English as a Second Language
Are you an ESL student or family member of an ESL Student looking to learn more English over the summer? Contact Mr. Burns for more information at [email protected]
¿Es usted un estudiante de ESL o miembro de la familia de un estudiante de ESL que busca aprender más inglés durante el verano? Comuníquese con la Sr. Burns para obtener más información en [email protected]
Bạn có phải là sinh viên ESL hoặc thành viên gia đình của một sinh viên ESL muốn tìm hiểu thêm tiếng Anh trong mùa hè? Liên hệ với MR. Burns để biết thêm thông tin tại [email protected]
More Information
Students are identified for ESL (English as a Second Language) services using a language background questionnaire that parents complete, a language proficiency assessment, and a review of educational records to determine eligibility.
Students are encouraged to participate in activities. Band, chorus, student government, and athletics are examples of activities in which EL students are involved. EL students also receive honors and awards provided to all students.
ESL instruction may be delivered through an ESL class, pull-out instruction, or push-in teaching support, depending on the student's language instruction educational program (LIEP). ESL teachers consult with staff members who work with the EL students.
ELs are assessed annually with ACCESS testing to determine English Language proficiency (ELP) growth and eligibility for exit from services. Exit is based on a language proficiency assessment, class work, report card grades and school assessments. Students are eligible for exit when they demonstrate that they have developed a level of language proficiency that will allow them to be successful in classes without support. ESL and content area teachers have uniform procedures in accordance with state requirements for actively monitoring the progress of former ELs (FELs) for a period of two years after reclassification and reporting FELs to the state for an additional two years (total of four years of monitoring status).