Parent/Guardian Volunteer Information
Thank you for being interested in volunteering at Community Academy! We are looking for Parent/Guardian volunteers throughout the School year. Volunteers will be able to help with:
- Field Trips
- Seasonal Concerts (Winter/Spring)
- Teacher's Appreciation Week
- Monthly Events
- Trunk or Treat
Please Click here to Submit your Volunteer Form
If volunteering interests you, please review the list below of the documentation needed to get you started. Please be informed that if your PA Child Abuse and Criminal Background clearances are more than 5 years old, you must conduct those clearances again.
Click here to learn more information on what clearances are required.
Once we receive all of your documents, you will receive a follow-up email stating that you are cleared to volunteer. If you would like to attend your child(ren) field trip please email or call (215) 533-6700